Here are pictures of the other blemishes where you can see the carbon - I've tried to show the size - they really are very small and just need a tiny bit of paint over. In the picture with the red sofa in it, the mark is so small I couldn't get it to show up, but it is the lighter coloured dot.
The two pictures of the rim/tub are to show that there is no braking surface and that it hasn't been used with a brake. Not sure why anyone would, seeing as it's a rear track wheel!
Here are pictures of the other blemishes where you can see the carbon - I've tried to show the size - they really are very small and just need a tiny bit of paint over. In the picture with the red sofa in it, the mark is so small I couldn't get it to show up, but it is the lighter coloured dot.
The two pictures of the rim/tub are to show that there is no braking surface and that it hasn't been used with a brake. Not sure why anyone would, seeing as it's a rear track wheel!
Hope this helps.
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