fucking numpty nodder twat nearly rode into me whilst I was crossing bath street this morning.
in what fucking world does someone on crutches approaching the pedestrian crossing whilst the green man is clearly showing give you the impression that it's ok for you to rlj.
I'm glad you shit yourself up grabbing the front brake so hard so the rear wheel popped up in the air, I only wish you'd slid off your saddle and whacked your bollocks on the top tube.
fucking numpty nodder twat nearly rode into me whilst I was crossing bath street this morning.
in what fucking world does someone on crutches approaching the pedestrian crossing whilst the green man is clearly showing give you the impression that it's ok for you to rlj.
I'm glad you shit yourself up grabbing the front brake so hard so the rear wheel popped up in the air, I only wish you'd slid off your saddle and whacked your bollocks on the top tube.
a sorry wouldn't have gone amiss either. prick.