spotted Andytk (cream surly) by eastlands Asda junction about 2pm yesterday... testing the "all veg as onions" trick p'raps?
Ah, not this time, went for the luxury option of having someone else scan everything for me!
saw a guy on a cream surly going away from town near the eye hospital had a helmet on
(same dude?), and then a man on a white conversion going past le Cornerhaouse...
Could have been, I was heading down that way on Sunday I think, bike's currently looking a bit weird with one SKS fender up front and nothing on the back.
Ah, not this time, went for the luxury option of having someone else scan everything for me!
Could have been, I was heading down that way on Sunday I think, bike's currently looking a bit weird with one SKS fender up front and nothing on the back.