yeah, he's fine now (apart from a godawful scar). It happened two years ago. He had to have reconstructive surgery on his face, was wired up and had about four of his teeth pulled out and replaced. it was not pretty. I was tempted to upload the picture he put on facebook (but then I remember we forced him to take it down because it was upsetting small children). Whatever, from then on I have always worn my tw@t-hat...
yeah, he's fine now (apart from a godawful scar). It happened two years ago. He had to have reconstructive surgery on his face, was wired up and had about four of his teeth pulled out and replaced. it was not pretty. I was tempted to upload the picture he put on facebook (but then I remember we forced him to take it down because it was upsetting small children). Whatever, from then on I have always worn my tw@t-hat...