• I have never posted in here before as I was always too scared I will get bullied, I know how much people like to argue about the pros and cons etc.
    I do wear a helmet, every day. It makes me look stupid, makes me hot in the summer and it makes my hair as flat as a pancake, but it makes me feel more secure. It doesn't make me more careless on the road (I did cycle without it a few times, so I know that). To be frank, I don't really like it (and I would love to wear just my forum cap) but without it I feel strange and I'm always scared that if "something" is going to happen, it's going to happen on this one occasion when my head is not protected. I'm thinking about my husband being angry, my family being upset, blah blah. Lets just say I've got a colourful imagination.

    Any way I have met my mate on my way to work this morning. BTW he is a really experienced cyclist. Last night he was riding back home, took a sharp turn, damp cold road, he lost control and ended up on the ground hitting his head on the corner of the curb. I have seen this helmet today, looks pretty badly damaged, in fact I'm sure if it would be his bare head, he would have his temple in pieces. There was no busy traffic involved, no car, no truck or bus, just him, damp road and a second of misjudgement. It could happened to anybody.

    I'm not writing this to convert anybody, I believe it is everybody's personal choice and I would never argue about it or judge people's choices, but I've got a feeling that if a few more helmet haters would see my mates helmet, they might have change their minds. Maybe I'm wrong...?
    So I think I will continue to wear my helmet and I will more than definitely get hot and annoyed.

    Please all the helmet haters be gentle with me, I take all of the negative comments really personally and might get really, really upset. Just saying...

    • 1 from a man who had to sit in UCL hospital holding his twin brother's hand as they stitched up his face and jaw (He split his face open from the base of the nose down past his chin). No traffic invovled either, just bad road resurfacing works. His helmet saved his life. I never want to go through that experience again, nor would I wish it on anyone...

    I saw what happened to his helmet. If it was his skull I would be without a very much loved brother right now...
