Converting an old tiny raleigh and sticking 700s on it (with a bit of hacking and slashing). Its going to make a girl or small bloke very happy one day.
Got a black velocity deep v front. Would love a matching (or similar) rear. Hub not important as long as its functional. Machined as I'm going to have a back brake. Don't need chainring or lock ring necessarily but don't mind having one if its going.
Pretty much as the title says!
Converting an old tiny raleigh and sticking 700s on it (with a bit of hacking and slashing). Its going to make a girl or small bloke very happy one day.
Got a black velocity deep v front. Would love a matching (or similar) rear. Hub not important as long as its functional. Machined as I'm going to have a back brake. Don't need chainring or lock ring necessarily but don't mind having one if its going.
Thanks guys and gals!