The first meeting will be on the 31st of march (the saturday night of the cambridge regional bench minor) and will take place in the warehouse (could go to a local pub? if it is too loud etc)
i will send out an email with these details but can every rep please ask players in their city what they would like to be bought up in the meeting? (take a couple of points you want answered into the meeting) but as for the main subjects of the meeting (i am just drafting) they will be the following:
-Introduction to the UKHBPA, talk about aims and objectives etc.
-UK champs, where will it be? who will organise it? when?
-Euro qualifiers, this is important. where will it be? when? format?
-Rules, any current problems in the ruleset? would anyone like to see a change?
-Reffing duties
and more..
This is just me saying what i think needs to be discussed, if you think i have missed a main point please add to the list. but can we please not argue and all post our opinions on what will be discussed. i dont want the thread to get clogged up and this message lost.
we will also need a minute taker. will anyone be interested in doing this? if so please write on this thread/PM me.
okay so the first UKHBPA meeting
The first meeting will be on the 31st of march (the saturday night of the cambridge regional bench minor) and will take place in the warehouse (could go to a local pub? if it is too loud etc)
i will send out an email with these details but can every rep please ask players in their city what they would like to be bought up in the meeting? (take a couple of points you want answered into the meeting) but as for the main subjects of the meeting (i am just drafting) they will be the following:
-Introduction to the UKHBPA, talk about aims and objectives etc.
-UK champs, where will it be? who will organise it? when?
-Euro qualifiers, this is important. where will it be? when? format?
-Rules, any current problems in the ruleset? would anyone like to see a change?
-Reffing duties
and more..
This is just me saying what i think needs to be discussed, if you think i have missed a main point please add to the list. but can we please not argue and all post our opinions on what will be discussed. i dont want the thread to get clogged up and this message lost.
we will also need a minute taker. will anyone be interested in doing this? if so please write on this thread/PM me.
thanks guys.