This phone is the last Symbian OS powered mobile phone from Nokia, and probably the last Symbian OS device ever. The software that makes it possible has been in development for some time and, from what I understand, was too tightly integrated with the Nokia hardware to be easily ported to Windows Phone and Qualcomm hardware, hence it being released on Symbian.
dimi3's experience is all too common I'm afraid, since the N95 Nokia have produced poor phones with suspect software quality that are slow and bug ridden. That is why Symbian will soon be consigned to history (and a book really ought to be written about the small British software company that tried to take on silicon valley and lost).
A good article on the lens in the PureView 808 here;
This phone is the last Symbian OS powered mobile phone from Nokia, and probably the last Symbian OS device ever. The software that makes it possible has been in development for some time and, from what I understand, was too tightly integrated with the Nokia hardware to be easily ported to Windows Phone and Qualcomm hardware, hence it being released on Symbian.
dimi3's experience is all too common I'm afraid, since the N95 Nokia have produced poor phones with suspect software quality that are slow and bug ridden. That is why Symbian will soon be consigned to history (and a book really ought to be written about the small British software company that tried to take on silicon valley and lost).