• Tuesday 6th, Calthorpe, 6pm Lebanese, 7pm on court.

    1. MG
    2. Danny
    3. n3il - probably. I want to build my new wheel up by thurs so i might do that instead.
    4. Hyper (8pm)
    5. Stu
    6. danwentskiing, 8pm, maybe.

    Thursday 8th, Calthorpe, 7.30pm Bristol Warm-Up for Black Stabbath

    1. danwentskiing
    2. MG
    3. 4ndy
    4. Neil
    5. Danny
    6. EMM
    7. Hyper (chris is on tool club duty this week)

    The idea of Thursday was for Stabbath, and especially 4ndy, to get as many games as possible, and try new things in preparation for Bristol. So it won't just be random throw-ins.
