Took the new geared frame that I've been building up out for a first proper run this morning. Felt great to be finally riding it after having it sit around the garage, garden and house since just after Christmas.
Had a bit of an "Oh Shit" moment going down a hill when I hit a small pothole and the handlebars slipped round a bit in the quill stem giving me a Lo Pro stance on the hoods when I really didn't need one. Sorted it out and re-tightened everything else up as well just in case.
40 miles of cloud, rain and then finally some sunshine just as we were getting back to town.
Took the new geared frame that I've been building up out for a first proper run this morning. Felt great to be finally riding it after having it sit around the garage, garden and house since just after Christmas.
Had a bit of an "Oh Shit" moment going down a hill when I hit a small pothole and the handlebars slipped round a bit in the quill stem giving me a Lo Pro stance on the hoods when I really didn't need one. Sorted it out and re-tightened everything else up as well just in case.
40 miles of cloud, rain and then finally some sunshine just as we were getting back to town.