I've been saying for ages, when 5d3 comes out, I'll pick one up straight away on finance, and balls to the cost.
But, I was hoping the difference between mk2 and mk3 was going to be a massive one, but its not.
Nikon D800 looks like a better buy to me, esp when price comes into account.
I'm sure it'll be amazing, but I'm not so excited that I'm willing to shove £2800 on credit at drop of a hat. iamdissapoint.
I've been saying for ages, when 5d3 comes out, I'll pick one up straight away on finance, and balls to the cost.
But, I was hoping the difference between mk2 and mk3 was going to be a massive one, but its not.
Nikon D800 looks like a better buy to me, esp when price comes into account.
I'm sure it'll be amazing, but I'm not so excited that I'm willing to shove £2800 on credit at drop of a hat. iamdissapoint.