I made several model planes as a child, I remember this one being the cream of the crop due to it's large cockpit area, which allowed me to stuff it full of Hai Karate soaked cotton wool, attach it to a kite string and launch it's flaming wondrousness into my mum's greenhouse, where it caused second degree burns to her prize tomatoes.
I made several model planes as a child, I remember this one being the cream of the crop due to it's large cockpit area, which allowed me to stuff it full of Hai Karate soaked cotton wool, attach it to a kite string and launch it's flaming wondrousness into my mum's greenhouse, where it caused second degree burns to her prize tomatoes.
This may have been the actual model, as the packaging rings a bell.http://www.google.co.uk/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.oldmodelkits.com/jpegs/Airfix%2002049%20Stuka.JPG&sa=X&ei=IrVOT7yjNeXU0QW61qyeBQ&ved=0CAsQ8wc4Dw&usg=AFQjCNHD0kqRj8H9hsKN5RpmMTexC-35lQ