Ultimately its about your playing style (or how you would like to play).
Main aim for mallet length is to not strike the ground and not to miss the ball.
If you find your self doing one or the other adjust accordingly. Durring games its useful to have a bit more grip/length so you can change up the way you play as and when you need to.
plus snoops is a gangly fucker so his ball reach is fucking good. (ie take into account your body proportions and flexibility)
Ultimately its about your playing style (or how you would like to play).
Main aim for mallet length is to not strike the ground and not to miss the ball.
If you find your self doing one or the other adjust accordingly. Durring games its useful to have a bit more grip/length so you can change up the way you play as and when you need to.
plus snoops is a gangly fucker so his ball reach is fucking good. (ie take into account your body proportions and flexibility)