Hi all,
I have loads of hubs and hub spares for sale. They're mainly Campagnolo but there are also a few non-Campag single hubs up for grabs too.
All hubs are graded cosmetically 1st then condition of bearings/races 2nd (eg: OK/GOOD = OK comestically / Bearings/races are good but not perfect). Any bearings/races marked as GOOD will be fine but could do with re-packing with grease. Any bearings/races marked as OK will have some pitting. All of these hubs are still very useable though, even ones marked as OK only have minor pitting.
Pairs (Road):
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £45
Cosmetically: Front GOOD, Rear OK.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 122mm
Hi all,
I have loads of hubs and hub spares for sale. They're mainly Campagnolo but there are also a few non-Campag single hubs up for grabs too.
All hubs are graded cosmetically 1st then condition of bearings/races 2nd (eg: OK/GOOD = OK comestically / Bearings/races are good but not perfect). Any bearings/races marked as GOOD will be fine but could do with re-packing with grease. Any bearings/races marked as OK will have some pitting. All of these hubs are still very useable though, even ones marked as OK only have minor pitting.
Pairs (Road):
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £45
Cosmetically: Front GOOD, Rear OK.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 122mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/ANuovoTipo36h50?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £50
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: EXC. OLD: 124mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/BNuovoTipo36h55?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £40
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: Front is VGC, Rear has a little bit of pitting. OLD: 116mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/DNuovoTipo36h45?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 32h (inc. skewers) - £85 SOLD
Cosmetically: MINT.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 120mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/FNuovoTipoIncSkewers32h90?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 32/40h (inc. skewers) - PRICE DROP £90
Cosmetically: MINT (but with a couple of weathered dust caps).
Bearings: EX. OLD: 124mm.
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/GNuovoTipoIncSkewers324095?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 32/40h - PRICE DROP £55
Cosmetically: VGC.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 118mm.
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/JNuovoTipo324060?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £45
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: F: EXC, R: GOOD. OLD: 130mm.
Campagnolo Record High Flange 36h (inc. skewers) - £110 SOLD But have another set
Cosmetically: VGC.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 122mm.
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/CRecordHF36h115?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record High Flange 32/40h (inc. skewers) - PRICE DROP £115
Cosmetically: VCG/EXC.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 124mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/ERecordHF3240120?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCL7t_5SKgsyiWg&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record High Flange 36h - SOLD (£80)
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 126/128mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/IRecordHF36h80?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKnTvKCyrpv8Cw&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record High Flange c.1960/1961 (No Record logo), Boxed 36h - £150 SOLD
Cosmetically: GOOD for age but weathered.
Bearings: Front EXC, Rear VGC But needs grease. OLD: 120mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/LRecordHF3240BOXED6061150?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record Low Flange 28h - PRICE DROP £75
Cosmetically: VGC.
Bearings: EX/MINT. OLD: 128mm
Campagnolo Record High Flange 36h, Used but Boxed - PRICE DROP £135
Cosmetically: VGC/EXC
Bearings: EXC. OLD: 126mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/HRecordLF36hBOXED145?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Front Hubs (Road):
Nuovo Tipo 36h - VGC/VGC (x2) - PRICE DROP £22 / £35 inc. Skewer
1 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/A2NuovoTipo36hVGCVGCX225?authuser=0&feat=directlink
2 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/A1NuovoTipo36hVGCVGCX2IncSkewer40?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Nuovo Tipo 36h - VGC/OK (x3) - PRICE DROP £18
1 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/C1NuovoTipo36hVGCOKX320?authuser=0&feat=directlink
2 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/C2NuovoTipo36hVGCOKX320?authuser=0&feat=directlink
3 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/C3NuovoTipo36hVGCOKX320?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Nuovo Tipo 36h - EXC/MINT w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £40
Nuovo Tipo 36h - EXC/VGC - PRICE DROP £25
Nuovo Tipo 36h - VGC/OK w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £25
Record 36 - EXC/MINT w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £50
Record 36h - VGC/EXC - No Oil Cover x2 - PRICE DROP £32
1 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/GRecord36hVGCEXCNoOilCoverX235?authuser=0&feat=directlink
2 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/GRecord36hVGCEXCNoOilCoverX235?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Record 32h - VGC/EXC - PRICE DROP £36
Record 36h w) Skewer NOS (New Old Stock) - PRICE DROP £65
Record 1960s High Flange 36h - OK/GOOD - PRICE DROP £30
Record High Flange 36h - EX/VGC w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £55
Record c.1963 High Flange 36h - VGC/GOOD - PRICE DROP £40
Mirage 32h - OK/VGC - PRICE DROP £12
Mirage 32h - VGC/GOOD w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £22
Veloce 32h - VGC/GOOD w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £22
Bianchi (Campag copy) - VGC/VGC w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £18
Shimano 105 - VCG/VGC - PRICE DROP £11
Normandy H/F - GOOD/GOOD - PRICE DROP £11
Rear Hubs (Road & Track)
Record 28h - 122mm OLD - GOOD/EXC - PRICE DROP £38
Record 28h - 126mm OLD - VGC/VGC - PRICE DROP £38
Gipiemme Special Pista - 120 OLD - VGC+/EXC inc. Track Nuts - PRICE DROP £60
Zeus Low Flange 36h - 122mm OLD - VCG/VGC - PRICE DROP £25
Mavic 500/501 - VGC/OK w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £22
Campagnolo Hub Spares
***Campagnolo Track Nuts (State Front or Rear)
Campagnolo Hub Spares
QR Skewers & Parts:
Complete Quick Release Skewers:
***QR Skewers Spares
Skewer (rod only) F or R - each £4 used
End nut (Record/SR Pointed dome with D-Clip) - each £8 EX / £7 VGC / £6 OK
End nut (NR Round ended dome with D-Clip) - each £8 EX / £7 VGC / £6 OK
End nut (Nuovo Tipo no clip) - each £8 EX / £7 VGC