• That is exactly what it already does.

    And if by chance the link isn't going to the first post in the thread, then the "Started by" underneath appears and is hyperlinked to that first post.

    It does what you wish it would, and always has.

    Ah, sorry, my misunderstanding here. I was looking at 'New posts', and not a forum listing, out of habit as I almost never use forums themselves. The only other thing I really use is the User CP. I think the only times when I use forum pages is for catching up on 'Rider down' reports. Of course, in 'New posts' somehow it seems quite logical that you're only taken to 'newpostinthread'. :)

    'Newpostinthread' does limit the newness of the post that it links you to to a maximum of one week ago, though, doesn't it? I suppose this may be done so that the database doesn't have to remember where you've been in every single thread for more than a week? If that's not the case, and the database does keep a record of where in every thread a user was, then I'd prefer it if 'newpostinthread' linked to that place, as I've never liked that cut-off. Again, not very important and probably overly fussy, or indeed another misunderstanding.
