• #2
Looks like a good event that's got good weather to boot.
• #3
Looks like a good day out.
Am quite tempted, but not sure what state I'll be in on Saturday. I was planning to try and wake up intoxicated.
• #4
Sounds great.
• #5
Balls. I'm working.
• #6
Interesting, a 74 mile journey takes in 14 parks and scores 210 points... drop one park if it's looking late and you can still get 13 parks over a 66 mile journey and 195 points.
74 mile is just about doable, but implies no breaks, eating and drinking on the move, and very little time to locate sign posts and take photos... though you could street view the locations of those before you started.
The 66 mile route misses one of the royal parks though, ideally you'd want them all if you're doing it.
Looks fun. Am tempted.
• #7
Little bump for this. Ride is tomorrow!
I plan on taking it easy and eating cake...
• #8
Wish we had had more notice..... sounds great fun
• #9
it's tomorrow. and it's going to be sunny!
• #10
I've put the route on my Garmin just in case.
I still suspect I'm not doing it... but it looks like too nice a ride on too nice a day for me to miss it. So just in case, I'm going to be prepped and ready.
• #11
Too bad I can't make it. A 20 checkpoint alleycat (heck, that's what it is) would be amazing!
• #12
Just seen this
What fun
Shorts / t-shirt day as well -
• #13
Still got the whole day to go yet, it's not too late!
Come to LMNH and sign up, there's prizes
• #14
If I knew about this earlier I should have done this! Well pissed off I'm in Bournemouth for the weekend!
• #15
only found out about this at 3.30 after ignoring the poster while at lmnh yesterday, gutted as i was off work today, next time eh
• #16
Perfect day for it too.
Did anyone do it?
Did anyone score over 195 points?
• #17
I got to Regent's park
Stayed there. Had a picnic
0 points -
• #18
Winning points tally was 180. Perfect day for it! Keep your eyes out this week, We're organising another one - bigger better, and more sun.
• #19
Hah, just found out the winners used the route I supplied. Glad to have been of assistance :)
Next time, I'll do it instead of just route plan. Was a perfect day, wish I'd been there.
• #20
Winning points tally was 180. Perfect day for it! Keep your eyes out this week, We're organising another one - bigger better, and more sun.
Moar notice round here too please!
• #22
The draft of it (fine details such as where park signs are located were skipped) is here:
After Osterley it's possible after every park to head straight to the finish. The lion's share of points is collected early by going to the South West cluster of parks, and then you swing in and out collecting what points you can with remaining time.
Getting to Greenwich in the 6 hours is extremely ambitious.
• #23
this is like an orienteering score event
like -
• #24
An architecture student friend is currently running a project at Look Mum No Hands centering around the idea of urban countryside spaces. As the final part of his event he has organised a race (or just a ride) taking in the parks of London.
Ride to a park, take a photo, and the person with the most points wins some prizes! We (Tokyo Fixed) have donated some gift vouchers for 1st (£50), 2nd (£20), and 3rd (£10) place. Along with some t-shirts. Starts and ends at LMNH on Saturday between 10 and 4.
Bigger map: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7054/6921658041_4acd3cf46c_o.jpg