After lots of searching on the internet they were the ones that fitted my original brief - ie the 105's of the canti word.
A bit of judder on the front that I managed to iron out, and pretty cheap. The 520s are meant to be the same with worse pads, so it might be worth getting those and some swissstops.
The 720's are the only canti's I've used that weren't made out of plastic... so my opinion's not worth all that much. That said I managed to set them up myself and got them to work as well as a road calliper brake.
Any particular reason you're choosing canti's over v's with V compatible Levers, or mini-v's?
I found the tekro 720s worked well.
After lots of searching on the internet they were the ones that fitted my original brief - ie the 105's of the canti word.
A bit of judder on the front that I managed to iron out, and pretty cheap. The 520s are meant to be the same with worse pads, so it might be worth getting those and some swissstops.
The 720's are the only canti's I've used that weren't made out of plastic... so my opinion's not worth all that much. That said I managed to set them up myself and got them to work as well as a road calliper brake.
Any particular reason you're choosing canti's over v's with V compatible Levers, or mini-v's?