I've munged all of the JavaScript into one file, minified chunks of it... and knocked out the multiple requests.
Most things will cache it after first hit, and I serve it out of Varnish anyway.
So now it's just one HTTP request to check modified, rather than 6.
And BlueQuinn, if you want to re-write the 300+ templates not to use bits of jQuery and YUI all over the place... be my guest.
Seriously, over 300 templates, some touch this stuff and some don't, and it's all spaghetti.
This isn't a small code base, please stop treating it as a trivial task when it's not.
@Velocio started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
This site is supported almost exclusively by donations. Please consider donating a small amount regularly.
I've munged all of the JavaScript into one file, minified chunks of it... and knocked out the multiple requests.
Most things will cache it after first hit, and I serve it out of Varnish anyway.
So now it's just one HTTP request to check modified, rather than 6.
And BlueQuinn, if you want to re-write the 300+ templates not to use bits of jQuery and YUI all over the place... be my guest.
Seriously, over 300 templates, some touch this stuff and some don't, and it's all spaghetti.
This isn't a small code base, please stop treating it as a trivial task when it's not.