i was waiting for the oncoming traffic to stop so i can turn right. despite the massive orange bag and the flashing red light, this dude claims he didn't see me. so he drove straight into me at 50 km/h!
at first i was like "WHAAAA I'm surfing this guy's windshield!" then i was like "WHOAH i'm skidding on tarmac and this dude is going to run me over and crush every single bone in my body!" fortunately, he didn't. albeit being a shit driver, he knew how to use the brakes.
i managed to completely trash his windshield (i'm assuming with my helmet). my rear wheel took almost all of it. the frame looks just as good as it was yesterday!
i think i'm pretty fucking lucky.
so fuck all this, i'm off to see the muppets! 2040 at didsbury cineworld!
yep, right here: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=206509095289101871706.0004b9699dce2d8f46020&msa=0
i was waiting for the oncoming traffic to stop so i can turn right. despite the massive orange bag and the flashing red light, this dude claims he didn't see me. so he drove straight into me at 50 km/h!
at first i was like "WHAAAA I'm surfing this guy's windshield!" then i was like "WHOAH i'm skidding on tarmac and this dude is going to run me over and crush every single bone in my body!" fortunately, he didn't. albeit being a shit driver, he knew how to use the brakes.
i managed to completely trash his windshield (i'm assuming with my helmet). my rear wheel took almost all of it. the frame looks just as good as it was yesterday!
i think i'm pretty fucking lucky.
so fuck all this, i'm off to see the muppets! 2040 at didsbury cineworld!