So I'm looking at spending 300ish on a wheel set, was thinking of hope hubs and cxp33 rims, but they appear to LOOK a bit shit compared to some of the factory wheels out there. My thinking on the hopes was they'd be nice and strong to commute on where as some radial/2cross things might not, and I'm struggling to find a strong looking wheel set for that budget.
Or am I being daft and really a set of shimano radial jobbies will be fine. The only things the wheels need to be is shimano 10 speed fit, around 300 quid, and clincher..............
So I'm looking at spending 300ish on a wheel set, was thinking of hope hubs and cxp33 rims, but they appear to LOOK a bit shit compared to some of the factory wheels out there. My thinking on the hopes was they'd be nice and strong to commute on where as some radial/2cross things might not, and I'm struggling to find a strong looking wheel set for that budget.
Or am I being daft and really a set of shimano radial jobbies will be fine. The only things the wheels need to be is shimano 10 speed fit, around 300 quid, and clincher..............