• #2352
i like how the spot of rust behind the dinosaur looks like its shit.
no, i didn't stare at it for 10 minutes.
honestly. -
• #2355
that raleigh is edging towards porn imo
• #2356
crazy flexible tall bike at 24:07
• #2357
that raleigh is edging towards porn imo
Totally agree. It's gorgeous
• #2358
you brits have so lovely frames, why you always spoil it with such a fucking fugly font?
• #2359
you brits have so lovely frames, why you always spoil it with such a fucking fugly font?
Lol! Totally agree we don't do pretty fonts often! Rep'd
• #2360
you brits have so lovely frames, why you always spoil it with such a fucking fugly font?
Couldn't agree less. Also, it's lettered; i.e. not a font.
• #2361
This didn't deserve to be posted in anti-porn. It looks like loads of fun.
• #2362
couldn't agree less. Also, it's lettered; i.e. Not a font.
• #2363
there hasn't been new pictures for days, so here's two from a winter bike thread on a finnish forum.
and btw, i don't own these. -
• #2364
I found this dumped on some waste ground https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/409024_10150563668076071_754061070_11344199_845222928_n.jpg
• #2365
after spending about £20 and raiding my parts box, this is the end result. I will eventually have to grind off one of the cranks as the bb is knackered and my crank extractor only seems to be stripping the threads, but for my 3 mile commute, mainly off road, this is doing the job nicely!
1 Attachment
• #2366
Take a hammer & bar to it instead of a grinder. Thread a long bolt in to the BB so that it's resting on the floor, use a bar/pipe and hammer it off. Or if you're confident with your hammer clamp the frame between your legs and hammer away.
• #2367
• #2368
^ Nice, clever way of getting round things.
• #2369
• #2370
^that is the most retarded saddle setup plus the stem needs to be slammed.
• #2371
Tell me more about this breakable bike please.
• #2372
I think there's more pictures in the polo thread.
Basically - downtube chopped and a tube fitting the inner dia. of the down tube inserted. A clamp then sits over the outside of it all with something like 8 big bolts clamping it closed. The seattube area is a little more complicated, not entirely sure what's going on there
• #2373
Polo Bikes thread.
explains all. -
• #2374
Thanks, will go and check it out.
• #2375
new bit of fun, not very practical but a bit of a laugh
fixed :)