• I think you've got to come in from different angles - most of the time, you're on a break, coming in on a straight line, then you shoot straight. It's pretty predictable. But don't be hard on yourself, fixed makes things way harder.

    The easiest angle is to come up a bit on the goalies back-side, and do a sneaky wrist-shot. The goalie has poor vision from that angle, and it's hard to judge the angle. B/B shots and wheelie goals are other options, but probably aren't going to happen until you go freewheel. Sometimes you can shield the view of the ball with your front wheel, then brake sharply, pop the ball round the front and shoot one off. (So much innuendo in polo).

    I reckon all the power comes from 'snapping' the wrist. You don't need a mega back swing, although it depends on your mallet feel/weight I suppose. Putting pens/cocktail sticks/outer cable inside the grip so you can feel the alignment of the head* definitely *helps.
