• Thanks to Bobbo for pointing me in this here direction.

    I had the pleasure of cycling behind a Harlex dumper truck (HGV) yesterday morning at 9 (ish) on Artillery Row (turnign left onto Victoria St) in Westminster (where the courier was recently run over). He was a brilliant exemple of how a large vehicle should be driven in busy city traffic and wish all drivers were as good.

    At the lights I sat way back as I understand the dangers of left (and right) turning vehicles and he was kind enough to acknowledge that he’d seen me but more importantly dealt very well with the two idiots who, despite the fact he was signalling to turn left (and that I'd stopped effectively blocking the side of the truck), decided to go up his inside. Fortunately he spotted them and did not move. I hope he appreciated me shouting obscenities at them for doing something so monumentally stupid and I hope that the two cyclists realise how dangerous their manoeuvre was. I wonder with a different, less skilful driver whether there could have been a tragic outcome?

    Good work sir!
