• #2
If I'm in the country, I'm there.
• #3
title says 22nd, info above says thursday 23rd... looks like the title is wrong
• #4
Please join us on Wednesday 22 February 2012
It also says it is the 22nd and everywhere else it says 22nd so 23rd a typo
• #5
The ride is the evening of the 22nd, the night before the Parliamentary debate which is taking place on the 23rd. We're going for the 22nd 'cos that is when the MPs are being lobbied and whipped and it would be good for them to hear us!
If any of you have been on the Blackfriars flashrides or the Tour du Danger you'll know these can be a lot of fun and have a real effect in helping to raise the debate in the public eye and keep the pressure up so it would be awesome if we could get a big forum presense there!
• #6
I'm in for this....why no list?
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #7
Why does number 2 just sound so wrong? Woop...
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
Any other takers?
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #8
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #9
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #10
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
always up for a bit of protest.
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #11
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
As I posted I better count myself in
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #12
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
anything for better streets
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #13
Does anyone else think that plan has the wrong street pedestrianised?
Surely more people want to go to Westminster Abbey than a nondescript government building on the other side -
• #14
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #15
I'll jump on board if i'm back from rowing in time, cycle this way from chiswick-->stratford
• #16
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
Only just saw this thread!
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #17
Does anyone else think that plan has the wrong street pedestrianised?
Surely more people want to go to Westminster Abbey than a nondescript government building on the other sideYes I agree also it would be good to make the traffic coming over Westminster bridge go right down Embankment so the HoP is surrounded by pedestrianisation
• #18
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #19
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- JaRyder
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #20
There is a bookyface invite for this now too for those of you who like that sort of thing:
You can invite your friends with it, just don't ask me how 'cos I'm not actually sure how.
Brompton have emailed all their subsribers about it and Evans Cycles have tweeted about it - should be quite a fun turn out. Always nice to see lots of different cyclists out together.
Praying for nice weather!
• #21
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- JaRyder
- rob.
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #22
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- JaRyder
- rob.
- DebbieEast
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #23
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- JaRyder
- rob.
- DebbieEast
- MrDrem
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #24
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- JaRyder
- rob.
- DebbieEast
- MrDrem
- chameleon
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
• #25
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
- markbikeslondon
- photoben
- Spudger
- villa-ru
- Zebs
- ashleyisdabest
- mjs110
- missmouse
- ms.chris
- JaRyder
- rob.
- DebbieEast
- MrDrem
- chameleon
- Japeseye
- Poots - woo hoo! No.1!
Ride to show MPs there are people-friendly solutions to problems of road danger
Please join us on Wednesday 22 February 2012 when concerned cyclists will ride past the Palace of Westminster asking MPs to make the success of continental-standard infrastructure a key part of their Commons debate on cycling the following day.
Cyclists are invited to meet at the Duke of York steps on The Mall (6.15pm for 6.30pm start) for a short ride to draw attention to the drastic changes needed to make London's streets truly safe and inviting for cycling and walking.
The ride is timed to take place the evening before the House of Commons debate on cycle safety, on Thursday 23 February.
Over the past fortnight, The Times newspaper has done an excellent job of highlighting the shocking number of cyclist casualties that occur on the UK's roads every year.
And last week, we launched our Love London, Go Dutch campaign (sign the petition here), which puts forward solutions for making London (and the UK) a more liveable place by adopting continental-standards of bike infrastructure.
Indeed, one of our Go Dutch street designs is for a more people-friendly Parliament Square, which includes:
massively increased area for people on foot
However, there are concerns that the Commons debate on Thursday could be hampered by the fact that too many MPs:
don't cycle at all or understand the dangers of cycling in many of Britain's streets
have never cycled around the dangerous one-way at Parliament Square or other initimidating roads in central London
think reducing road danger is about providing more cycle training or making people wear helmets
The purpose of this ride is to remind MPs of the important changes that are needed to street and junction design all over Greater London, not least at Parliament Square, which is only metres from their workplace.
Please join us on the 23rd, when we'll have a chance to highlight the fact that there are tried-and-tested solutions to the problems for cyclists and walkers in our urban areas.
The ride
The ride is being organised and marshalled by iBikeLondon, Cyclists in the City and the London Cycling Campaign. It will be sensibly marshalled and respectful to other road users. Expect it to last 30-45 minutes.
The route
The Mall (Duke of York steps) - Horseguards Parade - Parliament Square - Lambeth Bridge - Westminster Bridge - Parliament Square - Whitehall - Trafalgar Square - Admiralty Arch - The Mall
If you'd like to help out as a marshal, please email info@lcc.org.uk.