• ^On my 'to read' list.

    Finished The Balloonist. I liked it, but can't say I loved it. The constant meandering diversions away from the adventure didn't grip me as it might have done. The character of Luisa was original and inspired, but Gustave was vague, weak and lacked direction, and Waldemar's character trickled into a cul-de-sac as the book rumbled on. The book's climax was good, but it didn't bring the story back for me.

    Also finished The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell - utterly brilliant! It needs careful digestion, because the easy style of writing is easy to brush over in parts, but if it is carefully considered the book is truly inspirational. I'm not exaggerating by calling it one of the best books I've ever read.

    Also just finished Simon Armitage on Ted Hughes. The collection of poems are truly great. Go buy a copy.

    On the subject of Simon Armitage, I also read his first collection of poems, 'Kid'. I really loved it, although some poems leaped out where others wallowed in the shadows - but that goes for any poetry collection. Still, it was very good.

    I'm now on with Ted Hughes 'River' and 'Crow' and my first Dickens, 'Bleak House'.
