Just read in the German media, that Man City were trying to buy up land for their new mega training centre, including land belonging to a Utd fan.
He refused £1M, and when they went to the council, he split the land into 5000 parts, sold each for £250 (I assume to other united fans), so not only has he made even more money, but now they have to negotiate with 5000 owners.
No idea how true it is (the German media isn't always the most reliable), but if so that's very funny.
Just read in the German media, that Man City were trying to buy up land for their new mega training centre, including land belonging to a Utd fan.
He refused £1M, and when they went to the council, he split the land into 5000 parts, sold each for £250 (I assume to other united fans), so not only has he made even more money, but now they have to negotiate with 5000 owners.
No idea how true it is (the German media isn't always the most reliable), but if so that's very funny.
Edit - here we are: http://af.reuters.com/article/sportsNews/idAFJOE81D04420120214