A group of LCC Board are meeting on Thursday to have a chat about ways to encourage more women to ride in London and to join the LCC. Lucy Cooper has provided some background below.
LCC doesn’t have a bad split at 60% men 40% women, in comparison to the cycling stats of London where 64% of cyclists are men but they make 72% of cycle journeys.
However nationwide the split is worse 28% of journeys are made by women. CTC’s split is 75% men 25% women.
DK has previously shared the split on lfgss which I think is even greater.
Talking to them it seems there is still a feeling amongst some potential cyclists that they hate cyclists as they are ALL rude, macho and do not respect the rules of the road.
Anyway if you have any thoughts or suggestions they would be VERY welcome. Your experience would be extremely helpful.
Many thanks in anticipation
I don't think it's a gender issue, except possibly, to generalise, men are more attracted to the geeky side of cycling so get into it as a means to acquire tech, and men seem to perceive a lower risk and so are less intimidated by the thought of riding in traffic.
You get more women to cycle by getting more people to cycle, and you do that by providing proper, high quality, direct and useful infrastructure that keeps trucks and fast-moving traffic away from bicycles, and by using legislation such as stricter liability to change the attitudes of drivers where they share the roads with cyclists.
I don't think it's a gender issue, except possibly, to generalise, men are more attracted to the geeky side of cycling so get into it as a means to acquire tech, and men seem to perceive a lower risk and so are less intimidated by the thought of riding in traffic.
You get more women to cycle by getting more people to cycle, and you do that by providing proper, high quality, direct and useful infrastructure that keeps trucks and fast-moving traffic away from bicycles, and by using legislation such as stricter liability to change the attitudes of drivers where they share the roads with cyclists.