• #2378
Wow you like Cinelli Mash also in London? :)
• #2379
No, sorry, you are mistaken. Nobody likes cinelli mash here. They are shit, hipster wannabe bikes. In London, people spit on them.
• #2380
To the cyclist who Rlj at the mare St and Graham road junction this morning and nearly getting himself creamed by a 242 bus. You are one lucky person to be alive today.
• #2382
To the gorgeous hipster chick jumping the red at the intersection of Kingsland and Shackelwell lane across the face of me and a herd of stampeding minicabs. Not good. Not brave. You displayed zero awareness and all I could think of for ages after was those stocking clad legs wedged under the sump of a Skoda.
• #2383
a confusing post
• #2384
Yep. All a bit JG Ballard.
• #2385
made me hot to begin with...
then hotter...
• #2386
Skoda fetishists. Bound to be a site somewhere for that if you look hard enough.
• #2387
This thread is getting a bit:
• #2388
That's what I said.
• #2389
Yep but I says it wit' moviez trailer not yo' ha fallutin' literary wordz.
• #2390
fezzynuff Bobbo fezzynuff
• #2392
To the guy riding a white condor with a pink Rapha bag cover that goes really well against with your florescent jacket! Who undertook me on roseberry avenue and then undertook a coach as it was obviously going to slow for you! You did! You are a big dick and the cycle helmet is not going to protect you when you get dragged under the bus next time or hit a pedestrian.
• #2393
Knocked off my bike this morning at the big junction at the end of Waterloo Bridge. An absolute cretinous cnut of a barclays biker pulled up sharp and then darted around another cyclist, knocking my front wheel out. Cue slow mo clipless fail fall as the lights change and a bus heads towards me. The prick, oblivious to all of this, just cycles off on his merry way. Aaaaaggghhhhh!!!
Right, feel a bit better now
• #2394
"I had precedent"
You relinquished your seat on the high horse when you RLJ'ed all the way down the road. Precedent denied!
• #2395
Obvious troll is obvious.
• #2396
where is the banhammer?
• #2397
Probably just going to do my pilates class followed by the steam room and maybe a lemongrass smoothie in the juice bar with my friends
• #2398
Ooo sounds simply devine.
• #2399
Saw a lot of crappy riding today but the bad cyclist of the day of the award goes to:
Me, sneezing while squeezing through a very narrow gap. I felt like a real fucking bellend.
• #2400
Here's a minor one.
Mate - if you are going to draft me, that's fine, but make sure you at least look behind yourself before you overtake, and indicate, so you don't start overtaking me just as a car is doing the same, practically forcing you into me. You plank.
Then, if you are going to promptly slow down again in front of me, then expect me to draft you back. Knowing that someone is drafting you, bloody well look behind you and indicate before you suddenly brake and turn into your drive way. You fucking muppet.
Also, I now know where you live.
Pops collar