81kg dead on this morning. Means I've gone up on last week even though I've kept an eye on what I'm eating more than usual the last 5 days I've been well within my intake of 1600 a day, whether that was with exercise or not, it may be down to my body not knowing what's going on.
On to my next question, is 1600 calories before exercise healthy? On Saturday I only cycled 35 miles but didn't really feel as though I had much in reserve, I managed to drink 2 bottles of water, eat a banana and a yoghurt fruit slice.
I desperately want to start running but my knee is really causing me problems at the moment, if It's IT band problems is it ok to start exercising on it?
81kg dead on this morning. Means I've gone up on last week even though I've kept an eye on what I'm eating more than usual the last 5 days I've been well within my intake of 1600 a day, whether that was with exercise or not, it may be down to my body not knowing what's going on.
On to my next question, is 1600 calories before exercise healthy? On Saturday I only cycled 35 miles but didn't really feel as though I had much in reserve, I managed to drink 2 bottles of water, eat a banana and a yoghurt fruit slice.
I desperately want to start running but my knee is really causing me problems at the moment, if It's IT band problems is it ok to start exercising on it?