Mal, why would decreasing your body fat percentage increase the weight you can lift. There will be a correlation between muscle mass and lifting ability. Body fat in this context is just extra padding unless I am wrong.
By big guy did you mean fat guy or built hench like fuck guy?
If a fat guy - he'd just weak. Built hench like fuck guy might have been injured.
Not hench guy.
Well because, body weight squats when you weigh less are going to be less effective right? So, if your body weight affects the squat, then I thought :
Surely - with same power - you'd lift a bit more, because there's less of you that needs to be lifted with it?
I'm purely curious, watching the not hench guy struggle, wondering if he weighed 30kf less would he be squatting more.
Personally by the time I hit 90kg I expect to have added about 40 to my squat...
Not hench guy.
Well because, body weight squats when you weigh less are going to be less effective right? So, if your body weight affects the squat, then I thought :
I'm purely curious, watching the not hench guy struggle, wondering if he weighed 30kf less would he be squatting more.
Personally by the time I hit 90kg I expect to have added about 40 to my squat...