Dear all, just a query as to whether you would consider a taster bike polo
2-3hr session for a conservative stag do in Cambridge on saturday 21st
july2012?? Sounds great fun. Best, Tim
I don't really get what a "conservative" stag do is ?
Hopefully not the political party (big C ?) I can't imagine many takers to lend your bike to a load of pissed up Tories.
Maybe i am being biased, but i want to say no. How badly do we need funds ? I will be working on that day. Anyone want to take this on ????
This message came through from the league of bike polo:
Tim Clarke sent a message using the contact form at
Dear all, just a query as to whether you would consider a taster bike polo
2-3hr session for a conservative stag do in Cambridge on saturday 21st
july2012?? Sounds great fun. Best, Tim
I don't really get what a "conservative" stag do is ?
Hopefully not the political party (big C ?) I can't imagine many takers to lend your bike to a load of pissed up Tories.
Maybe i am being biased, but i want to say no. How badly do we need funds ? I will be working on that day. Anyone want to take this on ????