It uglifies your web site, slows things down, and then you feel like you're a bit of a prostitute for putting yourself out there, and ultimately the money it brings in isn't worth all the hassle. For small advertisers the money barely covers the costs, and for big advertisers the effort is too much with too much risk.
When the current advert ends, I'm going to stop doing advertising for a while. It's a distraction that is not needed, I'd rather spend my time on things that are valuable to the people using the site, and I'm not convinced advertising is it.
This is why I don't like advertising.
It uglifies your web site, slows things down, and then you feel like you're a bit of a prostitute for putting yourself out there, and ultimately the money it brings in isn't worth all the hassle. For small advertisers the money barely covers the costs, and for big advertisers the effort is too much with too much risk.
When the current advert ends, I'm going to stop doing advertising for a while. It's a distraction that is not needed, I'd rather spend my time on things that are valuable to the people using the site, and I'm not convinced advertising is it.