Cycling Proficiency is nowadays known as Bikeability (though I still hear teachers in schools ever week call it by the old name) and is about on-road riding. There is a whole Cycle Training forum here on LFGSS: Most people who live or work in London are entitled to free or heavily subsidised cycle training. You might want to look in to promoting it (and doing some yourself so you know what it is about?) as part of Bike Week though I also know that the number of events taking place mean there is increased demand for instructors' time.
Cycling Proficiency is nowadays known as Bikeability (though I still hear teachers in schools ever week call it by the old name) and is about on-road riding. There is a whole Cycle Training forum here on LFGSS: Most people who live or work in London are entitled to free or heavily subsidised cycle training. You might want to look in to promoting it (and doing some yourself so you know what it is about?) as part of Bike Week though I also know that the number of events taking place mean there is increased demand for instructors' time.