I can't use anything with a good nib because I'm left handed.
Unless I write backwards, which I find very easy, but it looks smug and no-one can read it.
Also, I chew everything I write with so an expensive pen ends up looking like a drool covered dog bone.
Therefore I'm a typing man, I''m afraid.
A 'good' nib wears itself in and should become easier to use the longer you use it. I am left handed, and overcame the problem of smudging my own letters as I write by adopting a wierd upside down approach, i.e the pen points toward me and my wrist arches around the fresh ink.
A 'good' nib wears itself in and should become easier to use the longer you use it. I am left handed, and overcame the problem of smudging my own letters as I write by adopting a wierd upside down approach, i.e the pen points toward me and my wrist arches around the fresh ink.