Drive - I was looking forward to finally watching this. Turned out, in my opinion, to be too much style over substance. Yes Gosling, you're an attractive lad, but you're fucking boring.
**We Need to Talk about Kevin **- I thought this was great. The story was really well told. I liked how it was all slowly pieced together, very much like someone trying to tell a story from memory. I thought it was a bit odd casting John C. Reilly as the Father though. I usually think of crap Will Ferrell films when I see him...
Can't have been, no one has heard of it.
Drive - I was looking forward to finally watching this. Turned out, in my opinion, to be too much style over substance. Yes Gosling, you're an attractive lad, but you're fucking boring.
**We Need to Talk about Kevin **- I thought this was great. The story was really well told. I liked how it was all slowly pieced together, very much like someone trying to tell a story from memory. I thought it was a bit odd casting John C. Reilly as the Father though. I usually think of crap Will Ferrell films when I see him...
Troll Hunter - Loved this. I liked how it was almost a parody of these sorts of films. The beautiful Norwegian backdrop was a highlight.
Best movie scene ever - The Troll Hunter - YouTube