Sorry for delay! Didn't mean to offend, think I was on phone browser and capitals are a bit of a PITA to manage on that (also auto correct doesn't' like capitalisation for some reason).
Where are you from then? I'm intrigued now :)
And still have the lens?
GA2G = Grande Anse To Grenville (both in/on the island of Grenada)
As for the lens - I've got someone looking at it for me. They seem optimistic they may be able to clean it. I'm not as positive, but I will see. Will let you know either way.
GA2G = Grande Anse To Grenville (both in/on the island of Grenada)
As for the lens - I've got someone looking at it for me. They seem optimistic they may be able to clean it. I'm not as positive, but I will see. Will let you know either way.