so........... i got some a23's built up a few months ago. just sat here waiting for my next build to take shape. (not long to go) i put some schwalbe ultremo on them and inflated to 145psi about a month ago. ive just read the above post. deflated to the tyres to 85psi and spent the last hour nervously playing around with my lovely new wheels . ..........
will they spring back into shape ? will i have fucked them up ? do i just put a turn on each spoke nipple to increase the tension ? shall i take them down to my local bike shop an endure the head shaking and sarcasm and chuckles and deep intake of breaths ?
the spoke tension doesnt feel that loose on the wheels , with my fingers , but , would my fingers be able to tell ????
Spin them and if they are still true probably not a problem; I think you would only have had a real problem if riding them and actually applying a load to the wheel whilst it was being massively compressed.
Spin them and if they are still true probably not a problem; I think you would only have had a real problem if riding them and actually applying a load to the wheel whilst it was being massively compressed.