I've got a good quality autumn/winter Left hand glove you can have. It's a large/Xlarge, picked it up off the road quite a few years back and just held onto it. Knew it would come in handy one day :o)
75p 1st class post 58p for 2nd
I've also got a pair of new Polaris Extreme in Large, I wear a medium and they are the sniz, work down to -3 air temperature with windchill -23@ approx 30mph and still toasty £18 posted
I've got a good quality autumn/winter Left hand glove you can have. It's a large/Xlarge, picked it up off the road quite a few years back and just held onto it. Knew it would come in handy one day :o)
75p 1st class post 58p for 2nd
I've also got a pair of new Polaris Extreme in Large, I wear a medium and they are the sniz, work down to -3 air temperature with windchill -23@ approx 30mph and still toasty £18 posted