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  • Annoyed that last nights result has codded our goal difference and loosing 5-1 to a team that before last night were 1 point off relegation does smart some.
    But the fact we are a club with huge debt problems and came through a transfer window with out loosing any key players and seem to have bought very shrewdly some young players who possibly could fit straight into the 1st team and make the step up to PL if we make it.

    Who ever it was that said Morrison has been given a £60k a week contract you're believing shit press. He's signed a contract worth £12k a week with add ons if that include promotion/performance and from what I understand behaviour/disciplin clauses so getting one of the most hotly tipped young players for £650k could turn out to be a fucking steal. If as Bodie has pointed out, he stays out of Faces.

    I think it was said the wages could rise to 65K with promotions and appearances and staying out of prisons


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