I made a cup in my stovetop today with the new beans from Hasbean. Compared to Monmouth espresso which I was using before, the coffee was weaker and more watery - a larger volume of steam passed through the coffee than before. I was using the same setting on the grinder. I prefer a stronger, smaller shot. Not espresso, exactly, but more that end of the spectrum than filter coffee, which is essentially what I got out this morning.
Should I try it a little finer, or is there anything else I should be doing? Do different beans sometimes require different grinds to get the same effect?
I made a cup in my stovetop today with the new beans from Hasbean. Compared to Monmouth espresso which I was using before, the coffee was weaker and more watery - a larger volume of steam passed through the coffee than before. I was using the same setting on the grinder. I prefer a stronger, smaller shot. Not espresso, exactly, but more that end of the spectrum than filter coffee, which is essentially what I got out this morning.
Should I try it a little finer, or is there anything else I should be doing? Do different beans sometimes require different grinds to get the same effect?