Also, I having a mini flounce. I'm not feeling great and I've got loads on in life atm and message boards/internetz is only serving as a distraction and/or added source of stress so I'm going to be off for a few weeks and try and spin a few less plates/keep as many balls in the air/sort self out blah blah blah #mixedmetaphors
Important update: I'm out.
Also, I having a mini flounce. I'm not feeling great and I've got loads on in life atm and message boards/internetz is only serving as a distraction and/or added source of stress so I'm going to be off for a few weeks and try and spin a few less plates/keep as many balls in the air/sort self out blah blah blah #mixedmetaphors
Play nicely! I'll be back soon xxx
3.Debbie East