Some mobile phone advice please. I'm kinda drowning in all the choices.
I'm on 02 and I'd like to stay with them.
Apparently my average usage is: 75min
185 texts
220MB internet (which I'm amazed with as I thought I caned it)
^ but this is me single, trying to avoid using the phone too much.
I know everyone says giffgaff with an unlocked handset. But realistically I can't outlay the +£200 for a smart phone.
I'm thinking of trying to get a BlackBerry Bold 9900 through work (this deal). I'd like a BB from a work POV, but for personal use I'm a bit wary of how easy and smooth the internet will be compared to an iphone, and using music etc .
Fundamentally I like the iphone. I don't really use apps. All my contacts are backed up on itunes, so it just seems simpler than switching to an Android...which I think of as the same as an iphone.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
02 have offered me a 24m contract for 200mins with an iphone 4 for £50 or a 4s for £120.
Thoughts? Even just firing some questions back would be helpful... I just don't even know where to start.
Some mobile phone advice please. I'm kinda drowning in all the choices.
I'm on 02 and I'd like to stay with them.
Apparently my average usage is:
185 texts
220MB internet (which I'm amazed with as I thought I caned it)
^ but this is me single, trying to avoid using the phone too much.
I know everyone says giffgaff with an unlocked handset. But realistically I can't outlay the +£200 for a smart phone.
I'm thinking of trying to get a BlackBerry Bold 9900 through work (this deal). I'd like a BB from a work POV, but for personal use I'm a bit wary of how easy and smooth the internet will be compared to an iphone, and using music etc .
Fundamentally I like the iphone. I don't really use apps. All my contacts are backed up on itunes, so it just seems simpler than switching to an Android...which I think of as the same as an iphone.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
02 have offered me a 24m contract for 200mins with an iphone 4 for £50 or a 4s for £120.
Thoughts? Even just firing some questions back would be helpful... I just don't even know where to start.