I'm stepping down as a ref in light of the NA debate (I have a feeling Bill will too), I don't think I am helping the London scene develop if the front wheel advantage/cutting a line NA approach is the future of polo..
Gotta call BS here Jono, the two European players who were involved in this controversial play are not convinced this was a foul, either. And as I keep saying, neither the EHBPC nor NAH rules state that the player with the ball has a rigt of way. If you think that's wrong, then come up with a rule, don't leave it in the ref's discretion to say its a "dangerous play". The more that is left to the refs discretion, the harder it will be to enforce rules.
I think you also need to recognize that early on, well before we had refs or tournaments that had more than 10 teams, a need was felt to distinguish hardcourt from grass, and for better or worse the difference regarding "right of way" was one of those distinctions. As someone who initially played grass (although a relatively anarchic version of it, with Vidal for example), I never felt this need. But the distinction is part of the history of hardcourt, and that history is felt more in some places than others. So to change tha (and most people think the sport should continue ti evolve), you'd have to be pretty deliberate, explicit, etc.
Also, you should really come play a bunch in NA, or talk more to people who have played a lot here, I think you have (and are giving others) the wrong impression.
Gotta call BS here Jono, the two European players who were involved in this controversial play are not convinced this was a foul, either. And as I keep saying, neither the EHBPC nor NAH rules state that the player with the ball has a rigt of way. If you think that's wrong, then come up with a rule, don't leave it in the ref's discretion to say its a "dangerous play". The more that is left to the refs discretion, the harder it will be to enforce rules.
I think you also need to recognize that early on, well before we had refs or tournaments that had more than 10 teams, a need was felt to distinguish hardcourt from grass, and for better or worse the difference regarding "right of way" was one of those distinctions. As someone who initially played grass (although a relatively anarchic version of it, with Vidal for example), I never felt this need. But the distinction is part of the history of hardcourt, and that history is felt more in some places than others. So to change tha (and most people think the sport should continue ti evolve), you'd have to be pretty deliberate, explicit, etc.
Also, you should really come play a bunch in NA, or talk more to people who have played a lot here, I think you have (and are giving others) the wrong impression.