I have more or less perfected my basic loaves - honey & walnut, black treacle, and a range of different flour ratios (but usually a 1/3 malthouse & 2/3 strong plain), and have now moved on to soda bread - it doesn't last as long but is dead quick to make. Lovely with a seed mix stirred in. Seedy soda bread with spicy tuna mayo is quickly becoming my favourite sandwich.
I have more or less perfected my basic loaves - honey & walnut, black treacle, and a range of different flour ratios (but usually a 1/3 malthouse & 2/3 strong plain), and have now moved on to soda bread - it doesn't last as long but is dead quick to make. Lovely with a seed mix stirred in. Seedy soda bread with spicy tuna mayo is quickly becoming my favourite sandwich.