I'm feeling slightly optimistic about the new charity.. having met with them really helped. They have a lovely and expereinced new head and she was very aware of the upcoming challenges she and the new body would face.
example of her forward thinking -
Her to me - the event you're proposing wouldn't generate large revenues but perhaps if we ring fenced the proceeds for a specific project the boaters would feel more positively about it.
My reply - Yes, visability and empowerment to perhaps choose the projects they'd like to support would be a good thing (I'm thinking more shower facilities, although I don't need them personally).
I'm feeling slightly optimistic about the new charity.. having met with them really helped. They have a lovely and expereinced new head and she was very aware of the upcoming challenges she and the new body would face.
example of her forward thinking -
Her to me - the event you're proposing wouldn't generate large revenues but perhaps if we ring fenced the proceeds for a specific project the boaters would feel more positively about it.
My reply - Yes, visability and empowerment to perhaps choose the projects they'd like to support would be a good thing (I'm thinking more shower facilities, although I don't need them personally).
Fingers crossed.