This forum is full of cool single guys who live in and around London. We are athletically fit, young-ish and mostly well educated.
We're here, come take your pick.
Format as follows -
*Offered *- Know a singleton that might float our boat - sling us some details and maybe a photo and wait for dibs.
EG - My hot mate Amy,31 5'4, size 10,likes bikes, dogs, cakes and long rides in the country. Has a job and a flat and likes men with beards and giant thighs.
Wanted - Are you a singleton - Sing us some details and a photo and what you might be looking for and wait for all the people with friends who might think you are suitable to get in touch.
EG - I'm Dave, I like petite girls over 30 who like bikes, dogs, cake and long ride in the country. I have a beard, a job and giant thighs.
The digested read, digested:
Booze & Schmooze