Here's a less-than-stellar phone pic taken just after I'd put the bartape on - cloth for now while I see how I get on with the bars (Road Champions also!), then maybe swap for Toshi leather.
Seatpost & pedals are present, got lucky with some great deals on the last few bits.
Currently sporting a 105 headset and Tipo/G40 wheels as stand-ins and need to pick up some generic gum hoods, 'cos originals seem nigh-on impossible to find.
Once finances allow, I plan to get frame repainted and properly decaled by Dave Yates - the guy I bought it from had had it resprayed and stickered up at some point by a local shop who sponsored him in triathlons.
Here's a less-than-stellar phone pic taken just after I'd put the bartape on - cloth for now while I see how I get on with the bars (Road Champions also!), then maybe swap for Toshi leather.
Seatpost & pedals are present, got lucky with some great deals on the last few bits.
Currently sporting a 105 headset and Tipo/G40 wheels as stand-ins and need to pick up some generic gum hoods, 'cos originals seem nigh-on impossible to find.
Once finances allow, I plan to get frame repainted and properly decaled by Dave Yates - the guy I bought it from had had it resprayed and stickered up at some point by a local shop who sponsored him in triathlons.