This morning I spotted Pootsmanuva ignoring my wave while travelling in opposite directions going past Coram's Fields.
Then the flouncer formerly known as Shimigami shouting XANDER! XANDER! XANDER! XANDER! at elephant and castle. I got a text saying he say me. I didnt hear him till the last minute.
Then Mrs OldSkoolRacer at LCC and the Dutch chap whose name i forgot who rode to cambridge with us also in my Uni
This morning I spotted Pootsmanuva ignoring my wave while travelling in opposite directions going past Coram's Fields.
Then the flouncer formerly known as Shimigami shouting XANDER! XANDER! XANDER! XANDER! at elephant and castle. I got a text saying he say me. I didnt hear him till the last minute.
Then Mrs OldSkoolRacer at LCC and the Dutch chap whose name i forgot who rode to cambridge with us also in my Uni