p.s. Thanks for the tip off about Ellis Brigham in Covent Garden. I was convinced I wanted the 230s but just to make sure I tried the 195s and instantly preferred them. After spending an age in the store I discovered they only stock black 195s so popped down the road to the VLM store who had some in red. I felt bad about not getting anything in EB after wasting their morning, hence the camelbak (which is packed full of gels). Productive trip to London.
p.s. Thanks for the tip off about Ellis Brigham in Covent Garden. I was convinced I wanted the 230s but just to make sure I tried the 195s and instantly preferred them. After spending an age in the store I discovered they only stock black 195s so popped down the road to the VLM store who had some in red. I felt bad about not getting anything in EB after wasting their morning, hence the camelbak (which is packed full of gels). Productive trip to London.