It usually gets inflamed as you've increased you running too much too quickly and or your shoes are knackered.
That or you're leg is about to fall off.
Cheers, Ed. Shoes are fine, only a year old and they've not done as much mileage as I had hoped! Too much too soon might be it.
I found that, as well as my ITB being fooked, when I had pain in the same area, it was due to overly tight glutes, which pulled everything out of alignment.
This is apparently pretty common with cyclists, adn I found this stretch to work wonders: How to Do the Glute Stretch - YouTube
I'm running today so I'll give this a go. Not sure where I'm going to find a place at work to stretch like that but I'm sure I'll find somewhere! Thanks. :)
RE: ITB tightness... a foam roller helps a lot.
Hmmm, I could do with a draught excluder...
I also use a lacrosse ball to roll under my foot, I find this is easy (0 effort) and really loosens up my achilles and lower calf musles, which in turn helps the hip/itb/calf/achilles system.
I usually run straight after work. Is the lacrosse ball thing something I can do under my desk before I go out? Or would you need to be standing?
Cheers, Ed. Shoes are fine, only a year old and they've not done as much mileage as I had hoped! Too much too soon might be it.
I'm running today so I'll give this a go. Not sure where I'm going to find a place at work to stretch like that but I'm sure I'll find somewhere! Thanks. :)
Hmmm, I could do with a draught excluder...
I usually run straight after work. Is the lacrosse ball thing something I can do under my desk before I go out? Or would you need to be standing?